Graft is an online service helping people in the construction industry find young, reliable and trustworthy manual labourers, when and wherever they need them! In terms of hard graft, dirty work and overall manual labour. The construction industry is full of over qualified workers. Workers who are too skilled and expensive to fill manual labour positions. Graft is a new flexible means of work and job recruitment. Primarily targeted towards young entusiastic college students who are eager to make some money in their spare time while experiencing a new fun way of working!
The application is split into two sections, for employers or grafters. If you are an employer you post an advert in a certain location of work that needs to be done. The grafters can select this advert and message the employer if it is within their preferred working radius. Before accepting, the employer can communicate with the grafter on the in-app SMS board. The employer can then review the grafters profile, see their star rating and information on previous work determined by other employers. This feature ensures trust and reliability in the grafters!