Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries
On Show 2020
Síofra Keaveney

There are nearly 40,000 people living with epilepsy in Ireland today. People with epilepsy often describe the psychological effects of epilepsy being more distressing than the actual seizures. The challenges of living with the neurological disorder extend beyond the constant worry for seizures and arduous treatment methods into many other domains of the individuals’ life. In particular, people with active seizures can experience substantial additional obstacles including lower levels of employment, income, education and health locus of control.Conjointly, negative psychological conditions are often a side effect of anti-convulsive medications. Often individuals with epilepsy can perceive limitations in their social and emotional support thus leading to increased overall dissatisfaction with life. Research has shown that self-compassion, resilience and psychological intervention may have significant effects on the quality of life in people with epilepsy. However, the previous research was mostly longitudinal with a small sample. To investigate further, this study employed a quantitative, correlational and between groups, cross sectional survey. Participants completed quality of life, self-compassion and resilience measures plus a question on previous psychological intervention. Data was collected from 32 participants (15 males, 17 females) aged 18-75. Results revealed no significant relationship between self-compassion and resilience. A moderate positive relationship was identified in resilience and quality of life . A moderate positive relationship was also identified in self-compassion and resilience . The results revealed no significant relationship between quality of life and psychological intervention. Results on self-compassion and quality of life and psychological intervention and quality of life do not correspond with previous literature, which could be due to small sample size. This study confirmed the feasibility and worth of reviewing this topic with people with epilepsy; further research with larger samples is warranted.